Discussion Thread: Game Modes / Event Types

Since there are a lot of people here discussing the cops, here is my take on them.

I think the cops should not be restricted to a heat level. When we look back at MW '12, when driving something like the Ford Raptor it was rather stupid that after the Rhinos showed up at Heat 4, it would go to level 5 and they would send in Corvettes. It would have been way more logical to directly switch to the SWAT Trucks.

So I think instead of 5 linear heat levels, we could have 5 different levels as well which can be called in when needed, no specific order. I'm not a HUD specialist but I thought about displaying these levels in a star. Each point of the star represents one of the layouts, when not activated it is transparent, when it is it becomes colored in. In the middle of the star a number could be displayed what the current heat would be.

The presets would be: Presets|Explenation
Patrol Cars|This would be the preset each pursuit starts with, regular patrol cars. These units use minimal tactics and are mostly used to maintain pursuit. When this is activated, cops are able to set up units on intersections to lower traffic density, allowing more rooms for the cops to use tactics on the player. Pursuit Vehicles|These units would be called in when the player his vehicle is able to outperform the patrol cars. These vehicles are faster and more easy to handle allowing them to keep up better. These units also use more aggresive tactics, such as rolling roadblocks etc... to stop the player. These officers are trained for pursuits. When this preset is activated, you will start coming across roadblocks with spike strips. Rhino Unit|This preset is called in when the player tries to escape using offroad paths as well as when the player is driving a heavier type of vehicle or being agressive towards pursuing vehicles. These SUV units use tactics to disable your car, such as head on rams and T-Bones. When this unit is called in, the cops are able to set up heavy roadblocks, which contain SUVs and concrete barriers, being able to stop even the heaviest vehicles. Unmarked Car|This unit is called in mostly when the player constantly managed to enter cooldown but it could also be called in during pursuits to perform a surprise tactic on the player. By this I mean an undercover unit driving on the same lane as the player, acting like a traffic car and all of the sudden switching lanes to perform a rolling roadblock only then activating his siren. When this unit is called in, cooldown searches gets harder to evade, this unit will not show up on the radar and will look in alleys, parking garagaes etc... and when spotting the player this unit will instead stay at a distance and wait for backup to arrive. Helicopter|This is the preset which would be called in if the cops have a hard time keeping visual contact, perhaps due to it being nighttime, heavy traffic or the player taking lots of twists and turns. The heli would chase the player and lighting him up with the spotlight to mark his position. After a period of time the heli has to refuel which allows for a small time window to escape. When the heli is activated, it will help in the coordination of the pursuit, allowing for better roadblock placements for example blocking of highway offramps, limiting the player his escape route and giving the cops a better chance at setting up a huge roadblock further down the highway without having to fear the player might take another route.

/r/needforspeed Thread