Does anybody else find the stark contrast between the companies that advertise on Rising on the show's "populist" message to be peculiar?

I grew up in a christian family. My grandfather on one side was a Wednesday bible study leader and my grandfather on the other side was an actual minister. But my parents did not force religion on me. They let me come to my own conclusions. Only atheism ever made any sense to me! Haha.

That's what most atheists I meet say - they always knew from a young age that it was bullshit. But I bought that shit hook, line, and sinker. Not only was I a believer my whole life up until my teens, I was actually a devout Christian up until around 15-16, which is when I discovered Kyle/Matt/Sam on YouTube, and also Reddit lol. I was reading the Bible daily at 15/16 out of my own choice, not because my parents made me. I agreed with Ray Comfort unironically and watched his podcast with that other guy. I remember every time I would watch Matt Dillahunty on The Atheist Experience my heart would sink in my chest because I knew on some level that their arguments were bulletproof, or at least better than mine.

I'm glad it went the way that it did. It allowed me to realize from a young age that my mind is inherently flawed (as is the mind of every other human being) and that I should always watch out for my own cognitive bias and irrationality. It also lead me to discovering a more rational spirituality - psychedelics and meditation.

That's probably the way I'll do it, if we do end up growing big enough for it! That way we can keep things in the same community. Discord requires a separate account.

Dope. Sounds great.

/r/rising Thread Parent