Donald Trump was sued for defamation and battery a second time by writer E Jean Carroll - More Bullshit To Get Book Sales

I wish to make it clear, this women, E. Jean Carroll, no matter how quixotic and futile her efforts will invariably, prove to be, she has my full and undying support. Who knows, maybe, just maybe, in the end, it will be enough to point out, once again, the obvious, that Donald “Grab them by pussy” Trump, is a lecherous, villainous, repugnant, pervert and creep. However, I hope this women, E. Jean Carroll, understands, is cognizant of the fact, that regardless of how successful she may be, in dragging the Trump name, first through the court and then through the sewers of America, her efforts, while laudable and comestible and valiant, as they may be, will do little to change, what will happen in our nation's near future. It's inevitable, the Republicans, who long ago stopped caring about what is best for our nation or for what is best for the American people, will nominate, as their presidential candidate, for 2924, yet again, this villainous, repugnant, creepazoid, which is Donald Trump. And then, soon after, vast, wondering, herds of the dimwitted and stupid, will appear at the polls, and try to reelect, this corrupt, compulsive, incessant, liar, Donald Trump, to be their president.

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