"Dr." Peter Glidden's arguments against vaccines destroyed with a bit of science and knowledge about the immune system.


Quotes that don’t add up

“Dr” Glidden uses a number of quotes in his video. Most of them cannot be found online. Even when a paper is not accessible to the public, the quote can still be found.

One quote that he uses is, of course, taken out of context: “It is known that, in many instances, antigen-specific antibody titers do not correlate with protection.” The title of the paper is called “What are the limits of adjuvanticity” and here is the quote, in context: “Finally, adjuvanticity is more often evaluated in terms of antigen-specific antibody titers induced after parenteral immunization. It is known that, in many instances, antigen-specific antibody titers do not correlate with protection. In addition, very little is known on parameters of cell-mediated immunity which could be considered as surrogates of protection. Tailoring of new adjuvants for the development of vaccines with improved immunogenicity/efficacy and reduced reactogenicity will represent one of the major challenges of the ongoing vaccine-oriented research.” The paper was published in 2001 – almost 15 years ago – which means it is pretty dated.

Here is a link to the paper, which is free through scincedirect.com

Another quote used is: “There is no direct association between antibody levels that ensures protection from pertussis.” The ONLY link on google for this quote is to a posting on www.livingwhole.org[2]. The Google link and a search on google scholar yields no results. On the link from livingwhole.org, is says the title of the article is “Antibody-Mediated Neutralization of Pertussis Toxin-Induced Mitogenicity of Human Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells,” which was published in Infectious Immunology in January 2004. Interestingly, the quote used in the video is NO WHERE IN THE STUDY. I wonder if “Dr” Glidden just did some sort of google search and used the link from livingwhole.org without vetting the study? I wouldn’t be surprised, because he’s a naturopath and as such, his research skills are sorely lacking. The paper is free at: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC343983/[5] and http://iai.asm.org/content/72/1/615.full[6] His last quote is: “Little is known about the correlation of mumps titers and protection from mumps,” and it came from The Journal of Clinical Microbiolgy and was published in 2005 – again, another aged study. The only place I could find this quote, when doing a google search was on mothering.com (https://www.google.com/search?q=%E2%80%9CLittle+is+known+about+the+correlation+of+mumps+titers+and+protection+from+mumps%E2%80%9D&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8[7] ). I couldn’t find the title of the aritlce this quote is in. Usually, even if the quote is to an article that needs to be paid for, you’ll be able to find a direct quote on google or google scholar. It seems, again, that “Dr” Glidden did some sort of weird google search and didn’t vet his quotes. I’m not 100% sure, but it seems like the quote might come from an article titled “Mumps Virus-Specific Antibody Titers from Pre-Vaccine Era Sera: Comparison of the Plaque Reduction Neutralization Assay and Enzyme Immunoassay,” which can be found for free here: http://jcm.asm.org/content/43/9/4847.full[8] . Again, the quote he used cannot be found anywhere in the article and he doesn’t seem to have vetted what he used. As we all know, science is ever-evolving and using three articles…published 10+ years ago, doesn’t make his case at all. Naturopathy, chiropractic quackery, and homeopathy are not evidence based. Using three articles, “Dr” Glidden shows that you have absolutely NO understanding of how scientific research is done. I’d have been laughed out of nursing school if I wrote a paper using only three sources. Your stance must be bolstered with as much evidence as you can find. If you can find only three sources, I’m sorry to say (not really), your stance is invalid. A real doctor would argue that vaccines do indeed support and promote the immune system. They work to PROMOTE and immune response without causing serious infection. I don’t know any doctor that would say not to pay attention to nutrition or diet. That’s just blatant dishonesty on your part, “Dr” Glidden.”

/r/naturopathy Thread Link - np.reddit.com