F2P Collection?

You need to reread my post. I start off by saying I do not have a full collection. I have never had a full collection. However I have every major playable card for every meta. Meaning I have all of the adventures, I have Sylvanas, Rag, Alex, Ysera, every playable vanilla class legendary, Dr. Boom, Justicar, Yogg, Aya, Patches, etc. I and more importantly I have every major epic card, from class cards to tech cards like Dirty Rat.

But to get there I have to be ruthless with my disenchanting. If I open a Velen I immediately dust it because it simply is not playable. I could keep it if I want to collect, but I don't. If I open a Wisp of the Old Gods it gets dusted. Not because it's an extra, but because it's not playable.

My point was I eventually do come across a majority of the cards from natural card pulling and crafting the meta cards, but I always thin my collection to have dust ready for the next meta. I currently play Jade druid/shaman, Pirate War, and Reno Lock. I have 3400 dust banked, 2600 gold banked, and have Rag and Syl waiting for their free dust as well. I will be able to insta craft at least 1, most likely 2, Ungoro meta decks.

The only thing I think I got lucky with since beta was my rate of gold legendary duplicates. Since beta I've pulled something like 6 gold legendaries, but 2 of them were Cairne and 2 were Leeroy, which give me 4 free legendaries since I had pulled normal versions of those cards as well. Otherwise, I've had a pretty average pack opening experience over the last ~3 years.

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