[F4M] Wholesome Romantic

Hey, how are you? I'm Jordan. I agree that long term romance isn't everyone's cup of tea but for me it's the ideal cuppa. I just think it adds so much stakes to it, you know? The roller coaster having that slow climb up before the exciting drop, building tension until you just can't take it anymore.

In terms of scenario, I like friends to lovers but also the office thing. They go hand in hand, so I don't see any reason why our coworkers can't be good friends before they eventually get down and dirty. I like Pokimane so we can play this out in two ways (that i can think of, I'd still like to hear your ideas). The first is just a simple face claim thing, where you're still Poki but just not the streamer. Makes sense you'd have a normal job in that case.

The alternative is making the office very loose but the general idea will still be present. Maybe my character is hired as a cameraman for OTV, for example. That content house is close enough to an office, I think. We meet, get along great, casual flirting turning to heavier flirting, get together and have to try to keep our relationship a secret.

In terms of kinks, I'm pretty easy. I rend not to list them because I have a lot of them that sometimes clash and I inevitably always forget one or two, but I can if you want. I usually just go with the ones that are not hard nos from the other person's list.

I'd love to talk more about this, let me know.

/r/CelebDPP Thread