WCGW threatening a bunch of cops with a knife

Listen my tiny brained American friend. How do I know you’re an american? Well, you’re all intellectually at about the same level, so you’re easy to spot even from really far away. There’s nothing to explain. You do you we’ll do what we do and we’ll see how things are going in 50 years. Standards are decided by the average standard situations. Standard situations in America are like descriptions of police actions in the mad max world. You are children. Please remember this. Your country is like 200 years old. Ours is like 20,000 years old. We manage more than a billion people without killing most of them. We have been doing that for a very long time. Americans have a lot fewer people and I assume almost anyone that interacts with a cop in America is at least 80% likely to get shot to death. In India that percentage would be less than 1%. You just don’t know friend. You live in a tiny tiny fantasy bubble where things work like they would in a book or a training manual. I would say you live in a box, under a rock. Look around you friend. Do you think Americans are still attached to reality? Alright, how old our country is has nothing to do with this. But come on. You and people of your knowledge level (children) think that we manage to police more than billion people with untrained police. I don’t know about you but on the other side of the world I hear daily stories of American police cowardess and cruelty. Every single day they kill an unarmed child. Where are your procedures there you illiterate incompetent donkey?

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