I have a few questions as I am a relatively new player

  1. For HHSHOWCASE the main service it provides is the ability to visit StreetPass players' houses from other towns, if a another acnl player’s console is within range, your game will download his house and fourniture I guess.
  2. The exhibition rooms are for.. exhibition? You can arrange your fourniture in a way youd like them in your house if you don’t have a secret storeroom yet.
  3. You can actually drink the coffee to go! Just select it and press A several times.
  4. Yes, they can but not every one is like that, if someone steals something from you before you save just press the off button and remove them from your friend’s list.
  5. Yes but it’ll take time make sure to water them everyday, I advise you to put them in a diagonal shape, use the beautiful town ordinance and water the flowers you want to mix only, in rainy days every flower is watered.
  6. Idk I lost my amiibo card before the update
/r/AnimalCrossingNewLeaf Thread