I Found This Game That COPIED GTA 5, And it Was Just So Funny...

  1. This video obviously doesn't have to do anything with this sub, and I have viewed your other Reddit posts, and turns out you advertise every video of yours on tons of subreddits that have nothing to do with it.
  2. Views you get from people clicking on a direct link to your youtube video doesn't make the algorithm recommend your video to more people. It just doesn't count as views pretty much.
  3. Not only that, but most people who click on your videos only do it to dislike them as this is annoying, meaning you posting these don't only not benefit your channel, but it also makes it worse. Also, they close the video after disliking it, which also decreases your average watch time, which also makes the algorithm not recommend your video.
  4. The thumbnail of this video is a little disturbing when posted to this sub. When you combine MrBeast and Minecraft, there are guaranteed to be many kids on this sub, which shouldn't (in my opinion) view this thumbnail.
/r/MrBeastGaming Thread Link - youtu.be