If this is true, I'm going to try to recreate ODDITY as best as I can. A few months ago, I started working on making ODDITY myself on Godot.
I didn't get far, but I managed to get Travis's sprite down, got him to walk, managed to do collisions, I even gave him his own room, even though it was just a few boxes and a bookcase of MOTHER related stuff.
I really only had the basics down, and I still have a lot to learn, as I need to figure out how to make a turn based combat system, action commands for the VOX and the 16 hit combo system. As well as learn how to get Travis to run, start cutscenes, basically, I need to learn EVERYTHING.
But, if someone else could do it, so can I. I am going to try my best at recreating ODDITY as close to how I believe the dev team was thinking it should be.
Just to clear things up, I didn't give up the first time I tried to do this. A user had actually convinced me not to continue with it as it was disrespectful to the dev team and would feed the negative impulses of the fans of ODDITY.
That's all I really have to say. If anyone wants to try and help, you're more than welcome. I could really use the help making original sprites, replicating sprites that are already made, (Like Meryl's, Leo, etc.) making maps, learn new coding stuff and just some stuff in general. It'd be greatly appreciated.