please help

Good evening earthtociera,

I saw your GoFundMe on Reddit and wanted to reach out. I work at a nonprofit and support folks who are in tough situations. I barely afford rent so I can't donate but maybe I can help with my professional skills!

1) Where are you located? Depending on your location, our nonprofit can provide free food. 16-25 lb box every week on Saturday delivery.

3) Have you reached out to the local renters assistance agency? A lot of times these other nonprofits can negotiate terms and prevent evictions. They may also have resources to local hiring programs specific to your community. Your local rental assistance program can be found here:

I know things look scary right now but you do have some good news! Evictions notices don't mean it's over quite yet and you still might have time to get support!

Please let me know if I can help. And best of luck!

/r/CoronavirusWA Thread