Gazians making ( another ) new sub for gaming

Before I continue, please understand I am a card-carrying progressive myself.

The complaint about the "Reddit dynamic" is pretty common, and that complaint usually isn't just limited to Reddit: it's usually applied to the web as a whole. I mostly consider it self-defeating because I see it as an admission of weakness; in both self and in ideal.

However. There are two damning issues I can point to with Ghazi: * Ghazi is not merely Progressive. It is hyper-progressive. It's not so far left it is indefensible, such as an earnest #killallmen or "let's defend ISIS." But a neutral is still going to be considered "reactionary" on Ghazi if they only take nine steps out of ten to the left. * Ghazi is a semi-public sub. It is not a private sub. It is not a public sub. Banishing all but those that conform to an agreed-upon "ideal" mindset are the source of the problems I mentioned earlier, and they also limit Ghazi's scope.

As for the rest? While I'm sure there's a time and place for private and semi-private discussion, I also understand an idea whispered in private isn't going to carry nearly as far as an idea shouted in public. Maybe since Ghazi is semi-private it's a bit more like a low murmur, but that still just doesn't carry. This lower volume can be -- and often is -- taken as a lack of confidence or the weakness of an idea. But the limit on what can be said on Ghazi actually hamstrings what can come of it.

An example: "Gamergate's public reputation is destroyed by doxxers and harassers" (the tricky part) "because I saw the same damn thing happen to Feminism with Andre-Joseph Leonard." Before and after that, Most women (and men) in the US won't consider themselves Feminists. Oh yes, they'll say yes to "Equality between women and men" is a dandy thing to strive for-- but they won't self-identify.

I consider myself a Feminist by the dictionary definition of the word. That doesn't extrapolate to "Feminist" by the tumblr "definition" or the JREF "definition"; oh hell no. That's like saying I'm Christian, Jewish, AND Islamic just because I believe the natural state of mankind is fallen.

As for the actual neo-nazis? Any power they once had is gone; they'll never rise again. I'm more concerned about what might replace them. My entire takeaway from the Wave experiment is that no ideology is safe at the extreme; any ideology can be used to become the Next. And no one is immune. A cause of concern is Feminism being a "favorite" of marketers because it's so easy to influence, but that doesn't mean Feminism itself is the Next. Yet.

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