German well-known YouTuber "AlexiBexi" isn’t a fan of Huel or any other meal replacement drink for that matter. Usually he has good arguments in his video series where he roasts specific companies or topics, but this one wasn’t at all convincing if I am honest. And fellow Germans watched his rant?

For context: He is probably the most important/biggest review Youtuber in Germany.

Had one interaction with him related to work. Wanted something from us, didn't got it, and then wrote something like "I am more important than you and your product is trash".

"You" being a multibillion dollar company and "product" the everywhere sold out latest flagship model with months waiting list...

However, in the vid he is mainly pointing out that YFood, a German competitor, is utter trash due to shitty ingredient and questionable investors etc. Generally, a controversial environment.

About Huel he basically says "it is more or less decent but too expensive". Don't really see the outrage.

/r/Huel Thread Link -