Google/MSM at it again... they've been pushing this false narrative HARD in the past 12 hours...

I emailed this correction to NPR:

As an ardent supporter of my local NPR affiliate, I am disgusted by All Tech Considered's fast and loose manipulative use of the Google Trends data set. The total number of queries made in relation to the question "what is the EU" was 415; the total number of queries made in relation to the question "what is brexit" was 550. Together, these two overarching search terms and all of their riders make 965 searches related to the Brexit vote. 33,577,342 people voted in the referendum. This means that perhaps 0.0000163800953% of the total voting population had no idea what they were doing. If these queries were made by those who voted to leave the EU, then that percentage of the voting population who had no idea what they were voting for would climb to a staggering 0.0000315896933%. Well, if that doesn't invalidate the process, I don't know what does. Please note my sarcasm.

I am tired of the misinformation NPR has been trying to push over the past few years. I used to trust NPR more than any other news source, but my faith in your programming has dwindled. This recent story has gone too far, and I will no longer make donations to my local NPR affiliate, or participate in any of its or your programming. Moreover, I will urge my friends and family to do the same.

I truly believe they would be the most receptive towards a backlash as their affiliates depend on listener contributions.

So if anyone is interested in sending them a correct the record, follow this link and fill out the info. It's easier than giving Michelle Fields a 1 star review.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent