I hate penis and vagina but I love girls (I am a man). Am I a Asexual?

Not necessarily. Sex isn’t PiV. It is in the mainstream view of sex, but it doesn’t have to be. Who wouldn’t call mutual masturbation a sexual act? Or oral sex? Or a very erotic massage may very well count too. Anyway, asexuality is about not feeling sexual attraction, not about not having sex (although the first often, but not always, leads to the latter), and especially not about not having PiV. Instead, if you’re questioning, I suggest you look into the very vast and diverse trans umbrella, because what you are describing could indicate you’re not too keen on masculinity (eg. demiboy). And I do say could, maybe you just don’t like PiV and that’s it. If you’re looking for alternative views on what sex can be, I suggest you look up what queer people who don’t have or who don’t like using their penis advise each others.

/r/AskAsexual Thread