
Why don't you move in to live in Cuba's paradise then?

I'm a Cuban medicine student, I'm in 6th year. Two weeks ago we had a 67 years old patient with bronchopneumonia; he had crackles up to the middle third of both lungs and in the x-ray it could already be seen that a pleural effusion was forming in the left base.

When we talked more with him, he told us that he had been using azithromycin for 7 days and his cough and shortness of breath were not improving, and the fever was becoming more difficult to control. And guess what? We only had azithromycin in the hospital's drug stock.

I would rather be in america and fight an insurance company to pay for my treatment than see my grandparents in that situation one day.

However, thousands of Cubans emigrate to the United States every year and none return. I have never seen an American emigrate to Cuba to live better. That is a fact that talks for . Don't be a hypocrite, please. That is a fact that speaks for itself

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