Healthcare too plz

While the rate is higher, it is not some incredible discrepancy as though African Americans commit the majority of violent crimes in the United States

The cite states that African Americans are arrested for 51.2% of murder and non-negligent manslaughter. That is quite literally a majority of those crimes. I note your point that these are arrests, but I think thats a pretty damn significant discrepancy.

Also, don't put words in my mouth. Whites are killed more often compared to their share of violent crime -- so again, I emphasize that I'm surprised the raw number of African Americans killed by police isn't closer to the number of whites killed by police. I'm not wishing more of them would be killed. I wish the police could resolve all arrests without violence, but that's hardly realistic.

Last, I think it's pretty telling you need to patronize to get your point across. I'm definitely not the brightest, but the point I'm making is that homicide of African Americans by police is a drop in the bucket, and the rate at which they are killed compared to their rate of involvement in crime is similar to other races. So, I think we can focus on this issue as a general issue rather than a racial one, and if we want to make a bigger dent in the suffering of the African American community maybe we should consider why African Americans die to homicide at a rate of 32.3 per 100k, whereas whites are at 4.1 or asians are at 1.9 respectively. There are SO many lives to be saved there.

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