Hello every one! Can anyone help me translate a song?

Here's the first half of the song to give you an idea, I got bored half way through.

It's a pretty lazy translation and I've probably missed a few idioms. At least the first half seems kinda depressing, talking about making it in music and taking a bunch of drugs in punk bars from what I can gather:

J'ai beau effacer l'ardoise et payer toutes mes dettes I've tried and failed to clear the slate and pay all my debts

Jouer du coude dans la foule pour me perdre sur un stage Jostled/fought my way through the crowd to lose myself on a stage

J'ai le ventre bien plus plein que vide My belly is more full than empty

Et je fréquente les précipices And I frequent the abyss (or precipice)

Que les bars miteux de punk rock that the seedy punk rock bars

Qui sentent toujours la pisse That always smell of piss

J'ai beau apprendre mes cartes par cœur I have tried and failed to learn my cards/words by heart

Je me perds encore dans les dédales de notre amour I lose myself again inside the labyrinth of our love

Si j'ouvre les yeux à la neige brune, je ne broie pas plus blanc If I open my eyes to the brown snow, I don't grind any more white

J'ai beau cracher sur leurs dieux I've tried and failed to spit on their gods

Rire des autres à bout portant to laugh at the others point blank

Je n'ai conquis que du sable et fais trembler que mes mains. I've only conquered sand and only made my hands tremble

Si certains naissent pour être grands If some are born to be great

Personne ne naît pour être petit No one is born to be small

Tellement de gens rêvent d'être grands So many men dream of being great

Alors qu'en dedans, ils sont si petits While inside, they are so small

/r/learnfrench Thread