Help the poor raccoon

What you just said basically translates too “I won’t touch any animal I don’t know because they may have something.”can they have rabies? Sure, any mammal can get it. Is there rampant rabies infected animals all over? Hell no.. they’re a massive threat, they can spread like wild fire, if you live in a western country it’s heavily controlled. Wear thick leather gloves, most animals can’t get through them with a bite or a scratch (at least something as small as a raccoon). Grab it by the hips, carefully lift out until you get to the scruff on the back of the neck, as soon as you see that scruff grab it and hold on tight, place on ground and move away from it. It’s not likely to be hostile, most animals seem to understand when something helps them believe it or not. Obviously I’m not condoning maybe getting rabies here, but the chances it has rabies is pretty damn low in a western country, nothing here at all says rabies, I see no indication of that. All I see is a tubby raccoon in need of help from a human created problem.

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