Adin Ross Admits To Allegedly Having Sex With A Woman Who Was Asleep Then Laughs At Women Being Assaulted

Adin was taken out of context and in the full clip says the woman consented. I don’t like Adin but I feel the need to back him up on this.

As for the other guy, a woman slapping a man is toootally equal to a much stronger person (a man) not only beating the shit out of a woman, but grabbing a hammer, a deadly weapon and beating her in the head with it, essentially killing her. Totally fair and equal.

I don’t know if it’s a shit joke or not but it’s not funny. Men kill women all the time. There are entire subreddits dedicated to viewing men beat the shit out of woman and it’s justified because “equal rights equal fights”. The only form of equality a lot of men can get behind is the justification of beating women. And it’s always in the name of self defense and never what’s clearly retaliation.

/r/h3h3productions Thread Link -