House of Commons/Prime Minister Nominations Thread - August 2017

I, pinkysavenger, am accepting nomination for retaining my seat in the House of Commons representing Impasse Proper. I do not wish to be considered for the Prime Ministers position.

Impasse has come a long way in the past month, and we are well established as one of the top cities on the server. We shine in many ways, from the diversity of our players, to the power of our pvpers, to our xp production. We have a great group of citizens who unite to build, harvest, and most of all, have fun.

My job, as a Representative, is all about continuing and expanding these strengths. The one direction I would like to focus on for the coming term is newfriend retention. Over the last month, I have built Bounty up from a simple 4 lane farm to a diverse and fruitful District. It has been the starting point for several wonderful newfriends, and hopefully, it will provide easy and lucrative work for newfriends into the future. We all started earning diamonds by harvesting our first field or cutting our first tree farm, and I hope that our hard work can see players through that early slog into the far future.

Next though, comes a specific home for newfriends. If elected, I want to begin creating a section of Impasse specificly for newfriends. A place for them to learn the ins and outs of the server. A place to test the plugins and learn the mods. A place to cut their teeth before being exposed to the harsh realities that can be life on this server. I wish to create a new Nova.

This newfriend section can also have a hugely positive effect on Impasse itself. Job boards can easily find solutions to non-bottable tasks like wood collection and clay gathering. A distinct area for newfriends would remove some of the less desirable buildings from the city proper. A seperate group structure will allow us to vet newfriends to prevent alt-raid incursions. Most of all, a healthy newfriend population would boost our cities production and population through any and all waning of oldfriend attention. We can all rest easy knowing that the future of our work will not be abandoned.

I want to be your representative, Impasse. With a little work and proper focus, we can take this town from incredible to straight up immortal.

Vote for me, pinkysavenger.

/r/CivImpasse Thread