How does this make you feel? Lol. On and off, Queen.

Lmao, shut up. I’m so sure. Don’t even try to start with me that traps is transphobic. I’m not even accidentally being transphobic. There’s a whole subreddit literally dedicated to what being a trap means.

(For those who don’t know, being a trap in the LGBTQ community...

it means you pass well enough for whatever reasons to “trap” or trick/manipulate a person into thinking you’re a woman/femme. *to be noted: it’s not a sexual things necessarily either)

Could it be said that “trapping” people gives transwomen a bad wrap... yes. It does paint the topic in a more negative light. But, no one is maliciously or by accident being transphobic by me saying “do I trap you” ... you’re somewhat gas lighting me into this because it’s your belief that I’m being transphobic,’re completely wrong. I’m not being transphobic and I’m not being insensitive to such a topic. I know what being intolerant looks/sounds like. I know what transphobic, and homophobic look and sound like. I’m not going to be half ass called out and told I’m transphobic when I literally advocate for lgbtq people and not clap back!

Please, move on and move around me!

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