How Jewish fundamentalism is taking over Israeli democracy

Your account is a year old. Even 1088 karma would be a red flag. However, I've literally just screencapped and posted your karma, and you've been proven wrong. We can move on now.

if 3,000,000 Arabs live in Israel and make up 21% of the population while having equal rights

You can stop right there, you're gaslighting right off the bat. "Equal rights" -- you haven't a clue what that means if that's what you believe. Either that or you're so deeply indoctrinated with propaganda that you genuinely believe that, in which case I don't think I can help you.

How come you are so quite when it comes to Arab country’s actually ethnically cleansing Jews?

You haven't a clue what I'm loud or quiet about, so right there your framing is absurd. But to the meat of the comment, this is whataboutism and you invalidate your argument entirely when you try to excuse the slaughter of innocents that Israel is committing by saying others have done it to people in the past. This is a meaningless argument, but it's all you've got, so I can't blame you for trying to use it.

Your comments on the size of various areas and the demographics of the populations are absolutely meaningless as well. See, the world just watched Israel commit war crimes. So you can do all of the tap-dancing you like, pitch all the statistics you please, but we've all witnessed it. And the world has witnessed it for nearly 80 years now. The people of the world know what's happening, but the governments of the world powers stand between the Palestinian people and justice.

So (clap...clap...clap) for your math skills. Now, how bout some facts:

You won't like that the facts don't suit your narrative, and you'll wriggle and squirm and accuse and scoff, but the facts are what they are. It's not me telling you, it's reality setting in. The cognitive dissonance will be unpleasant and you will reject these facts so that you can carry on justifying your cause and pretending you're righteous, but you're only deluding yourself. You won't fool me.

Those children in Palestine that've lost their parents, or their friends, or their lives... they didn't do anything to the Israeli nor the Jewish people.

You use the word "woke" as a perjorative... do you know what it was supposed to mean, before conservative psychopaths started using it every sentence or two? It meant that you aren't falling for the state's bullshit anymore. Your eyes are open to the reality, you are free of the propaganda they peddle to brainwash the masses, you are aware. So it makes perfect sense that you would use it as an insult, because you aren't woke. You're so full of state talking points you're literally coming on here just to puke them up on everyone in defense of a nation, rather than innocents.

It's repulsive, frankly, but I'm almost numb to it since your ilk have been doing it incessantly for the entirety of this most recent instance of Israeli ethnic cleansing.

Karma, when weighed against the age of the account, is an indicator of who might be trustworthy. You... you ain't. But I bet you're going for all-time records on Act.IL!

What I don't care about is race, religion or culture. What I do care about is oligarchs using brutality upon innocent populations to secure their own power. Netanyahu was about to lose his position, so he cranked up the abuse, antagonized the Palestinians who are already viciously, brutally oppressed on a daily basis until they could take no more, and then flatted entire neighborhoods and extinguished the lives of entire families in Gaza. Now he's up... last I heard... about ~20% in polling. So, the pattern shall continue, and you'll be right there cheering him on. Truly hideous in every way.

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