How to get started? Install Lambda1VR, the Half-Life VR mod for the Oculus Quest!

Hey Bummser,

Thanks for the instructions. I have wo quick questions about the following points:

Copy the entire folder "valve" to the newly created "xash" folder on the Quest (This will take a long time). I recommend doing this via standard Windows Explorer rather than SideQuest.

Does this mean we need to copy the Valve folder itself into the xash directory i.e. xash/valve/(all files) or is the content of the valve directory straight into the xash directory?

  • PC Users only: (optional - but recommended) Copy the contents of the valve_hd folder into the valve folder now on your Quest (this gives you some nicer models - worth it in my opinion for enemy models) - does not work with Mac files for some reason.

Same question as above

Many thanks in advance!


/r/Lambda1VR Thread