How to stop 8month shiba inu from biting

Don't just give her shit for her to play with, you have to play with her and start and end playtime on your terms.

If she's nipping at you, say "No" in a firm, strong voice, loud enough to startle her a bit, and that's it. Don't push her, don't yank your arm away because she'll see that as play and attention and keep doing it.

A tired dog is a happy dog. You're right, she's bored and has a lot of pent up energy. Try to teach her what ways are OK for her to release energy AKA playing or walking with you.

Shibas can be hyper dogs but in my experience they don't have too much energy. I play with my 6 month old Shiba for like 30 minutes and she's pooped for the next few hours.

/r/ShibaInu Thread