Is it just me or is the bad side of body positivity starting to get into the Philippines?

I do not recall claiming that I am an expert in this field but I have read and understood multiple scientific studies concerning strength, muscular hypertrophy, efficient ways to stay on a diet and so on through the years that I have been working out. I also do not understand why you are saying that I am prescribong a routine to another person here when I have never done so. Would you care to elaborate?

Bodybuilders bulk for the purpose of gaining muscle in a short span of time. A caloric surplus will maximize the amount of muscular hypertrophy in a short amount of time as more calories can be utilized to repair microtears in the muscle tissue during a time of recovery.

For a fighter going up or down a weight class the same principle applies. For a fighter going down a weight class, a caloric deficit is need to be met followed by a period of dehydration just before the weigh-in to lose water weight and maximize weight loss to be elligible for the weight class. For a fighter going up a weight class, the complete opposite needs to be done.

There are three different somatotypes namely: endomorph, ectomorph, and mesomorph. Endomorphs are described as people who carry a lot of mass muscle and fat. Ectomorphs carry little mass while mesomorphs are muscular people with low bodyfat. Science has proven that these somatotypes do not matter as much as people think. The first law of thermodynamics still apply to the human body. What matters in the end is your total caloric intake ,expenditure and maintenance calories. Factors that contribute to your maintenance calories include your basal metabolic rate and level of activity in a day. Studies have shown that 1 lb of muscle burns approximately 20-30 calories in a span of 24 hours which leads to the conclusion that people who carry more muscle mass have a faster metabolism. This is not rocket science. You do not need to have a degree to have knowledge about training and diet.

You should not be sorry as this is a place open for discussion although I do not understand why you would call me selfish. I am doing this for no other reason than to stimulate discussion. I do not understand why you think I have a perverted pathological need to judge fat people when I have never done so. Would you care to elaborate?


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