How do I stop this hyper fixation on my friend?

Can you please provide some things to read on this as I've never heard about this before and I'm genuinely interested in learning more about autism and by extension myself.

I am really curious about other people and some of my special interests are relationships / social phenomena For example, I find couples who are married for a long time very interesting and I've read lots of memoirs and research on what makes some relationships last longer. So I totally get being interested in people.

What's really different from what I know of autism and my experiences is the idea of expecting special interests to reciprocate your interest in them or like / love you. I've always experienced special interests as topics / subjects that are intrinsically absorbing to me, that I can't turn my mind away from, but that I don't expect anything back from and don't really have an intense emotional attachment to. In fact special interests are calming to me precisely because they don't involve intense emotions which I find unpleasant even when they're positive.

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