How to tackle armed groups/rogue military in case of a crisis ?

Avoid conflict at all cost. You might be able to survive one gunfight, maybe two, maybe even three if you're lucky. But people who choose violence will largely die before anyone else even has a chance to starve to death. At least in organized conflicts there are medics, and field hospitals stocked with supplies for treating combat trauma. You really expect medics and nurses to risk their lives to save the lives of others who are raiding and pillaging? The majority of untreated gunshot wounds will be fatal. Might not die on the spot, but maybe days or even weeks later. People forget that "armed groups" won't all have a truce amongst themselves. It's not like "Hey other armed group, just passing through to kill some farmers and take their crops, have a nice day!" No, they will be fighting amongst themselves. So it's a significant disadvantage to choose to be a bandit/raider. Because you have to contend with not only people defending their lives/supplies, but also all the other armed groups living the same life you are.

And all that said, people in the army have family too. And many really don't like being in the military. The majority would see collapse as a way out, to return to their loved ones. I highly doubt in the event of a true total collapse that there will be any large organized armed forces. And like I said, bullets kill quicker than starvation. Any roaming group of armed people pulling wagons of supplies they stole will be the brightest targets for other armed groups.

If you are bugging in, you have a distinct advantage. The defender always does. For one thing, ammo for these people will be like gold. So they'll be unlikely to just dump mags into a house blind and hoping they hit something. The Waco Siege lasted 51 days against the strength of the FBI, after four FBI were killed. Ruby Ridge lasted eleven days against the US Marshalls Service and FBI. Look at the countless examples of terrorists, hostage takers, and various violent criminals who manage to hold out for days and even weeks against the combined forces of the FBI, Local Law Enforcement and more. When a conflict occurs where one party is indoors and on home turf, time and time again the "defenders" have the advantage.

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