I was humbled. A cop I’m training called me old. To prove him wrong I went for a kick flip in full gear. It didn’t pan out. [33YO]

Ive called the cops twice. Once because my father got drunk, beat my mother and pushed her down the stairs fracturing her neck. The police said they couldnt do anything since, as they are married, its his property as well. Whatever the fuck thats supposed to mean. My father then proceeded to come back with a gun and threaten the both of us. I decided it wasnt worth calling the cops again. The second time i called 911 was because my car caught on fire. Fire showed up and put it out in about 5 minutes, then police showed up a bit later, interrogated me, threatened me, and gave mr a ticket. That car contained everything i owned and was my house and job at the time.

All cops are absolutely fucking bastards.

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