How were your parents punishing you when you were a child?

They hit me and scolded me of course. They cursed and threatened me. My father due to his background was a fan of forced kneeling with arms up or holding something heavy and having rice or something abrasive under the knees. Sometimes he'd just order us down on our knees while he scolded for transgressions before true punishment because we were "in disgrace". Grounding? Lockdown? Nah! That's what white people did. Their children were materially spoiled, my mother never denied her children what we wanted when they could afford which was usually, and there was no way in hell they were going to waste their time by hauling all of the toys, tvs, video games, etc out of our bedrooms so that we MIGHT learn a lesson from boredom. They bought that stuff with their hard earned money to be enjoyed. When we weren't so good or deserving of all that our parents gave us or ran afoul in some way then I've personally been hit with belts and buckles, duster handles, house slippers, broom handles, coat hangers, golf clubs, bats, and cords. I was even beaten in school depending on where I was living.

Some might call it child abuse. Yet when this supposed "abuse" was uncovered by the school while living in the USA I joined my brother in begging our parents to save us and take us away from the interfering government authorities that would rip us from our very comfortable home and life with well meaning family. They did take us away and I am eternally grateful.

/r/AskReddit Thread