Indisputable proof that Wells either lied in his testimony or on the Wells Report

Exponent analysis conducted an accuracy test of several gauges. The non-logo gauge, logo gauge and other gauges they got their hands on from the teams. Their findings show that:

1) Non-logo gauge was accurate. It was measuring the real pressure.

2) Logo gauge was inaccurate. It was measuring about 0.3-0.4 psi higher.

3) They tested a gauge that had a "Belonging to JJ" sticker on it. This tested consistent with the logo gauge, measuring about 0.3-0.4 psi higher.

Anderson testified that he used the logo gauge for pre-game checks. JJ is Jastremski, and clearly he was using a similarly inaccurate gauge. JJ inflated to 12.5, handed the footballs to Anderson, who measured 12.5 with the logo gauge. But according to the gauge analysis, the "real" pressure in the footballs were more like 12.1 instead. They were underinflated from the very beginning, to no fault of anyone at all. It's just a gauge inaccuracy.

The Exponent report itself concludes that if Anderson used the logo gauge for pre-game checks, then the observed deflation at halftime lies entirely in natural transient ranges.

Anderson testified he used the logo gauge. Wells ignores this testimony, and ignores the fact that Jastremski's gauge is consistent with Anderson, and ignores the fact that both Jastremski and Anderson testified to 12.5 using similarly faulty gauges. And then of course, under such a ridiculous series of assumptions, Wells concludes that the deflation must have been abnormal.

I sincerely wish that Kraft handn't submitted to the punishment. I understand that the teams don't have appeal rights within the league, but if Kraft had gone to court, the truth of this matter would have come out much sooner, and both the picks AND the suspension would have been thrown out.

/r/Patriots Thread