Iraq war veteran confronts George W. Bush

I do find it ironic in a video about condemning our leaders for doing bad war shit we get comments that are somehow: a) about Putin and b) smell like Russian whataboutism (I'm on a hair trigger for any posts/comments that sound pro-Putin and anti-Western that were made after Feb 24th) that 3) don't even realize the parent comment they are replying to is pointing out the vets supporting the accusation. We are not letting them off the hook for doing the same thing for decades. Also, the comment right beneath mine is currently calling for him to be charged.

This level of Reddit irony is stunning.

W. did bad shit. We are here in this thread ragging on him. Putin is also a double triple mega piece of shit.

The pure disdain people express for Putin is good. It is pure and moral and righteous. But, once again, that's not the subject of disdain at this exact moment.

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