I've written up notes on the New Loot System, since a lot of folks don't have the historical context. Feedback welcome.

Even when you told my brother that he was me (when there is just soo much evidence showing the contrary) I do think you are a... non-toxic player, and can understand to reason...

So, is just a game of empathy... let's say I'm about to open my first store, just few days to go and I came to realize that there are a bunch of stuff left to do... then my best friend comes with ideas that go in oposite direction of what i want... and i just snap and cut him off a bit rude...

Is not socially irresponsible for my friend just to realize that i'm under a pile of stress and just try to keep it quiet so future clients don't see about the problem and potentially jeopardize the future of my new store. If you honestly want to do something not socially irresponsible but be helpfull you can even take it to private?

All I'm saying is that delete in order to avoid propagate the drama IS an option. I'm not saying you are wrong btw... I'm just saying that giving the circunstances maybe you can be the better man?

/r/wyvernrpg Thread Parent Link - iki.wyvernsource.com