Your 12,000 is ours, and also, curfew time! Breaking Rules = $400 to the church you scum.

Shit like this kinda happened to me when I was just beginning to work. I was 16 making minimum wage ($7.15), with limitations on the number of hours I could work in a week (no more than 15 a week, no longer than 3 hours at a time), and with a full courseload of AP classes. Busted my ass and made $2k in about 3 months. Came home one day to a shitty old car in the driveway, and my dad happily telling me he'd bought the car with my money because "it was a great deal, it's a great car". That car cost me maybe $6k over the next three years and nearly got me killed on several occasions.

It absolutely broke any remaining trust I had in my father. I couldn't even point out how badly it had fucked my perception of him, because any disagreement, no matter how valid, was "insubordination" and resulted in punishment. I just had to bottle it up, alongside everything else, until I left for college. After a year or two of that, I went back and tried to explain why I didn't go to him for help anymore, why I didn't talk to him about anything aside from the weather, and he just didn't get it. He really did not and cannot understand why and how he fucked up, and in fact how dare you for suggesting he was anything less than a good father.

There are a lot of these sorts of topics and conversations that I've given up on. It's not like he actually beat me or anything. It's impossible to explain to him why he failed, and at this point I'd just rather smile politely until he's dead, which will hopefully be soon. Maybe it's just kinder to have him think well of himself until then. After all, there are no more children for him to let down. He can't hurt anyone anymore.

Haha this post got away from me. But yeah, financial abuse really fucks with people. It's a scar that never heals. I hope this kid makes it until he can get the fuck out, and I hope he makes it after that.

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