The James Webb telescope was launched and now NASA have hired theologists to see how the world would react to alien life, thoughts?

I've always been conflicted on the existence of aliens (here on earth). I believe they exist in the universe, but with all the sightings and footage available have they actually already been to earth?

On one hand it seems like there is enough evidence to say that surely they have, everything can't be fake right? Phoenix lights, released military footage, disclosure project? Yeah i guess it could all be a scam like scientology, but i've seen things in the sky myself that i can't explain.

As far as how people will react if its confirmed without doubt, i suspect it will be like covid. Believers and no believers, riots protests, etc. All i know for sure is that I would probably fear people more than the aliens. Kinda how like in the walking dead the zombies eventually became a nuisance and the people were the real enemies. Damn i need to smoke a bowl now

/r/StonerThoughts Thread