JAR Blab/JARCast Suggestion Thread - September 25, 2017

Hello friends of the Jar, I am Akpanstudios/I smash to redbone/ Bultinautocorrect software. I have come here to ask you something but first, some context, This is back in year 8(I’m year 10 now) this bully was always giving me grief and hurting me and my friends, I tried going to teachers and they said completely useless advice,it got to the point where I was thinking of killing myself but then I realised that it wouldn’t solve anything so the next time this guy was in my lesson at the end I walked out for next lesson and he shot an elastic band at my neck leaving a nasty little mark, I turned around walked up to his face and said if he does it again I’m going to punch him in the mouth, he does and I strike his mouth leaving a cut on his lip, he stops harassing me and my friends. Now the question (because you read this for so long) do you think that people should fight their bullies instead of teachers? I appreciate you taking the time to read this Have a happy rest of the cast!


/r/JARMEDIA Thread