[Job] Clipped—17 FEB 0100 UTC

Sphinx MedTech -4 0 Games last month 0 Games this month (First Red game literally 1000’s of hours CP 2020) Sphinx tries not to sigh or cry instead opting to smile softly like a child. She thinks to herself about life on the street, were sometimes there isn’t a “truth.” And sometimes the truth can get you killed. Knowing the truth didn’t make you free it made you responsible. Still, someone had power over this poor dahia. Power to prevent his family from moving on, by keeping secrets about his brother’s murder. No closure, no relief, no vengeance. Wasn’t that why she’d taken criminology classes when she’d gotten her med tech papers, so that the SOB’s out there could have less power over the normal guy…That and well a girl’s got to eat.

CP Sphini medtech.pdf (dropbox.com)

/r/NightCityStories Thread