Just the average gatekeeper

Gate keeper makes a point, go ahead and down vote me I don’t care. But at the same time we shouldn’t tell people to stop praising what they like. Just keep quiet. You can share a similar message, not replying to people though. Nothing Disney has made has been Trash. I know that’s a mind blowing sentence. I once thought a lot of it was trash, it’s been a few years, and the new content is aging as all things do. A lot has missed the mark for long time die hard fans. And in the writing rooms and behind the scenes things are not going well and haven’t gone well for years. But alot of fans don’t care about behind the scenes they just want to see more Star Wars. We have to respect everyone to the degree of being in the same community and some of have been apart of it for a long time. Some are new. Some like hated characters some like beloved characters. Some like fringe characters. Some like the most popular. It’s Star Wars. Just calm down and hope for the best and pay attention to the words you use.

I think Disney/Lucas film is incentivized to make content a certain way based on what they see get praised but don’t pay enough attention to critical thought.

/r/saltierthankrayt Thread Link - reddit.com