Kazuha Build Guides + Questions Megathread

So pulled freedom sworn instead of sobp for my eula in the previous banner. I was disappointed at first but not so much a while after, since I was planning to pull for kazuha from before itself. But i wanna know, how much of an upgrade it is over an r5 iron sting?

Also, i may use him with a team of Eula, raiden(don't have her yet, so may be replaced with beidou if i dont get her in rerun), and diona. I know that it is unconventional and not using his full potential, but i enjoy playing my eula team and also enjoy his playstyle. A little bit of crowd control and decent chipping away of those physically resistant machines's hp, and a good use for breaking abyss mage shields and also an almost failproof dodging.

Useless info: I am at a pity 18 in event banner, not guaranteed(in 5050) with 29 wishes in hand. I calculated that i would have about 100 wishes if I hadn't pulled for the weapon, so i was getting disappointed if had wasted because i saw someone saying it is a very light dps increase over r5 ironsting.

/r/KazuhaMains Thread