A large THC crystal grown from concentrated Cannabis oil.

Organic minerals are not minerals, breaks one of the rules for defining a mineral(inorganic).

You keep repeating this like it's a rule that's universally accepted. It isn't. That isn't part of the rules any more. I know the basics of crystallography, I'm aware of the outdated convention.

Conventional crystallography also says you don't get to have 5-fold rotational symmetry, and that crystalline structure is periodic. We now know that there are non-periodic crystalline structures, including natural non-periodic minerals!

The thc crystal would be classified as synthetic, therefore not classified as a mineral.

I didn't say it was a mineral, I said that organic minerals exist.

Just because you googled it doesn’t mean it’s the right information or and accepted practice.

Are you kidding me? You didn't rebut a single thing I've said. I'm not saying it's the right information or accepted practice 'because I googled it.'

I understand that Strunz and Dana created a category to which we can classify this type of substance but it doesn’t mean it’s accepted.

Those are the two most widely accepted systems of classification, AND the International Mineralogical Association recognizes everything I've said as true!

I can't possibly imagine a stronger argument than the one I'm making; it's CERTAINLY stronger than his argument of, "I have a BSc"

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