One hour after open, line up through the store back to dairy and meat

So I just topped up on fruits and vegetables for the next two weeks, as well as our usual Saturday grocery shop for the week. Instead of the normal one week of food I bought I picked up a few extras. With a plan for how everything will be used so nothing will go to waste and so that our family continues to have access to fresh and healthy foods, as that is something that will make life a little better in the coming weeks. This week will focus on greens, next week on more root vegetables and some canned vegetables. If you plan well things won't go to waste. This also means I won't need to leave the house other than work for two weeks.

I also went when the grocery store wasn't in pure chaos so it was easy to stay away from people, and made sure to use hand sanitizer before and after, and wipe down the cart before and after. If you plan, it's not stupid, it's being prepared for the worst to take the pressure off other resources.

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