DAILY COVID-19 MEGATHREAD - March 14, 2020

Alarmism LOL. If you knew anything about how hospitals in the USA are supplied today you’d quit while you are ahead. Hospitals have plenty of supplies for a TYPICAL operating scenario. This is ATYPICAL and a highly unusual event which we are all completely unprepared for on pure numbers alone. This is not about having a 6 month safety stock of supplies and tens of thousands of hospital admissions capacity. This is about RATE.

Like I said, I don’t have to explain anything to you because you will fail to understand it given the current RATES of admission.

I’m not here to give you live admission rates because nobody except DOH, HHS and NYC management can give you exact numbers, but what I can tell you is that we are experiencing a greater requirement than we have typically seen in our decades of being in business for the March into April period. There are only a handful of suppliers providing these commodities nationwide, and we are just one provider out of many in the stack of overall medsurg suppliers in America.

And I will repeat my question to you, what exactly does “blowing the whistle” accomplish? Have you not heard of hypochondria before? Do you not realize that by delineating exact numbers of infected will accomplish very little other than to cause a higher rate of patient interactions? What I’ve said over and over is to STAY AWAY and to practice infection prevention because the RATES of admission will be too high in the next 48-72 hours for staff to adequately handle the additional cases.

If you think 3000 ICUs geographically distributed throughout the 5 boroughs is going to address this situation, you haven’t been paying attention. This is not just the flu, in some cases coronavirus has been shown to cause irreparable damage to pulmonary function and that requires extensive ** ICU time** to address, if we can address it at all.

If you think America is some super human medical industrial complex that can take on thousands of new patients at once I’ve got a bridge in jersey with your name on it.

/r/nyc Thread Parent