List your pets and tell us about them.

Arissande - Eventide Cybunny - Arissande is a space pirate/renegade. I drew inspirations from her story and personality from Captain Mal Reynolds from Firefly. She owns a ship called Wanderlust and loves to travel throughout space, not looking to board on a single space city for too long. She likes to smuggle things out, and takes on odd space jobs here and there to pay for fuel but overall she has a pure and honest heart just intent on riding all over Neopia's skies. Her role model is Cylara.

She started out as a Cloud Cybunny (with pure intentions, haha) but I splurged on her paintjob a little and turned her into an Eventide Cybunny. Cybunnies were my dream pets as a kid so I really worked hard on Arissa - training her, customizing her, etc. I didn't even take on my second pet until after I was sure she was where I wanted her to be.

Sylthra - Transparent Wocky - Sylthra is a Calavera girl who lives in the Land of the Calaveras. This is the land where all the candy sugar skulls of Neopia come from. Every day, she helps make these sugar skulls and hands them out to the young Neopets in Neopia. Most especially, she gives extra attention to the pets abandoned in the pound, caring for them because she wants to make sure they are not forgotten.

Sylthra is my precious second pet. I didn't create her until after I was sure I could give her the attention she deserved. Compared to Arissande, her customization was definitely the one that was a pain to gather so I definitely splurged on her. Sylthra was inspired by La Muerte from The Book of Life. It was definitely hard to create a story for her because we all know Neopets can't die but it's definitely so fun to weave all these random stories for her.

/r/neopets Thread