Looking for a job after 7 years, could use some assistance in my resume

I am big fan of the two column layout (one for section headings, one for content). After 7 years though, font choices and styling needs to be updated to be a bit more modern.

Overall comments: I would recommend getting your name in such a way that it breaks the two columns, and is above, or at least on even footing with your address and contact information. I'm not sure how I feel about the grey highlighting on the words, but that is certainly a personal choice. I would, however, consider combining objective and capabilities into a section called Summary, and don't make it any longer than what you have there. Also, consider an all-caps font for your section headings, as that will be more impactful. Step away from some of the old standard fonts and see what catches your eye. A google search for best resume fonts yields lots of results.

I like the way you've organized the content for each entry, but there are some problems. Take a ruler, line it up with all of the bullet points, and see how some of your non-bullet text is not consistently lined up at the start of each entry. Fix each of those alignment issues, then push all of your bullet point lines in a bit. That will make the beginning of each entry stand out more strongly. The Freelance Consultant entry needs to be redone to have consistent formatting with the other entries. There are major alignment problems with your latest IT administrator position duties as well as most of those descriptions being far too long. Find a way to list those more succinctly (like the other entries) then add the successful projects to its own section after Education...maybe called "Accomplishments". You can remove the Reference section completely as that has gone out of favor. You can also drop off High School from your education...you have plenty of work experience that is more relevant.

Playing with the margins and making things more concise, it may actually be possible to get this down to one page. You could trim out the PC Technician job, fix the header, combine the objective and capabilities sections as stated above...I think it is possible and I highly recommend trying to do that. You have 15 years of relevant work experience, your high school and your one year PC tech job are just distracting from your real assets.

Good luck on the job search!

/r/critiquemyresume Thread