Maybe this is the most feminist scene all over the show?

I'm going to respectfully disagree. I don't like this scene at all. I think that the show has always been feminist by design, even despite the outfits and some other minor stuff. I was a teen while watching it. As an avid reader throughout my childhood, I always lacked strong female characters in most children's or classic books. Charmed was my first look at how a woman can be strong, successful, powerful and have a love life. I much prefer scenes where the girls were fiercely protective over their men. Phoebe protecting Cole in Hell Hath no Fury (still a pretty powerful demon version of him) or Paige healing Henry. For me, it's not necessarily what they said (there was a small bit of dialogue like that in Painted World) but rather what they did: fearlessly kicked ass for 8 years looking smokin' hot along the way.

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