Is it me, or is this video using Space Engine?

To those who downvoted me on this post telling you the facts. I don't mean to be rude but sincerely, Fuck You. If you'd actually take the time to look for yourselves you would see that he does in fact play Space Engineers the game. That's what all of the guys videos are about and that's what it is. Of course it "looks" like space engine. I mean if you're attempting to accurately produce virtual celestial objects you're going to make it look as close to the real thing as possible. I'm sure you're gonna find a game that looks like another. So fuck you 3 guys. Rity doesn't have to credit Space Engine because That's Not Space Engine.

In this case I can tell that you guys don't like to be wrong. Sorry your brains work like that but it's not a good way to function.

This guy makes "SPACE ENGINEERS" videos. Not anything to do with Space Engine. There is no where on his channel that even mentions Space Engine. That's a fact! Go look for yourselves if you don't believe me. I will delete this post and apologize to whomever proves me wrong there. But until then I won't delete this post. Because it's wrong to sit there and downvote someone just because you illogically disagree with the statement. So here is my statement,

This video you are watching is SPACE ENGINEERS. Not space engine. Anyone who thinks it's space engine doesn't own the game Space Engineers have no room to sit there and act like they know what they are talking about. Quite frankly you probably haven't spent enough time in Space Engine either if you can't tell the difference. If you don't like this statement then move on. Don't downvote because you feel it's wrong just move on.

To those who did move on after reading my original post and either agreed or disagreed thank you. You are a bigger person than most.

/r/spaceengine Thread