Menstrual cup and things I should know

I've used a cheap silicone cup for 4 years and love it! Purchased a cheap one just to try it and never went back to tampons. Probably time for me to get a higher quality one.

TMI incoming!

Insertion, for me, is easiest on the toilet. Some women prefer the shower, but I find sitting down and leaning forward to just be easier. Do what works best!

I fold it in half and slide it in, it unfolds by itself. I run my finger around it to make sure it's sealed, squeezing and pushing it a bit of it needs to by higher (mine comes right up to my cervix.)

For removal I bare down a little (think child birth or pooping) grip with 2 fingers and a thumb and pull it out. I don't have stems on mine (I cut them off, they were extremely irritating to me.) I dump the contents in the toilet and then reach over to the sink and give it a rinse (washing with soap if needed) and pop it back in.

If you have trouble getting it in get yourself some water based lube, oil based is bad for the material.

For cleaning, during my cycle, I use a very mild soap intended for sensitive skin. I boil my cup after my period ends and soak it in vinegar for a bit when my period starts back up. Always use clean hands when inserting and removing!

It seems like a lot of work, all typed out, but, to me it's faster and easier than buying, inserting and disposing of tampons/pads.

Can I feel it? Well, In the morning, on heavy days, I can feel fullness and can tell it's lower than it should be. Occasionally do a rushed penguin walk to the bathroom to dump it. (4 years and I've only leaked 2 or 3 times.) other than that, if it's in right, I can't feel it all.

/r/Healthyhooha Thread