Vag is looser, how to fix

Excuse me? We have sex quite often and this is a 3-time deal and you are making an illogical assumption about his porn usage. No, it feels loose to me. It is not as good for me. He hasn't said anything about it being looser and I even asked if he felt it and he said no. He has depression, his doctor failed to double his meds when he said he would and I directly asked him and said he feels less sexual cause he feels depressed, so if you want to blame not finishing on something other than vaginal tightness go ahead and blame it on that. But he has been depressed for months and only lately has it felt loose to me and only the last 3 times did he just give up and not finish. You need actual data on what you are discussing to not make wrong assumptions.

/r/Healthyhooha Thread Parent