Midnight Poetry Brigade

I never believed in love.

The messy stuff on TV was too unreal.

Being told about the gooey, disgusting mess made me fear it.

But when you get older things change.

I started liking boys, and girls too.

I thought I knew what love was, I thought I’d finally figured it out.

The ultimate meaning to soulmates and true happiness.

Every crush only lasted a few weeks at most.

I had fake simulations of what my tiny brain thought was a relationship.

I figured that this was it. This incredible soul-refining matter we call “love” was here.

And it was..


I never knew what love was, I couldn’t even fathom it No matter how much I tried to believe I knew exactly how it worked.

But then you came into my life with your dumb stories And even dumber smile.

Your stupid hair And that reddit-based humor that made my bad days seem less terrible.

You showed up with such a force, Like this essence glowed around you, And I needed to look closer.

I began to follow you home, To call you often,

And then one day I realized my mistake.

I thought love was the butterflies in your stomach.

I thought love was the feeling you get that makes you want to fall down in a kicking-joyful mess.

But in reality,

Love is the overwhelming urge to protect someone.

Love is that feeling you get when it's raining, and all you can imagine is dancing with them in it.

Love is that feeling when your brainfreeze goes away.

Love is that feeling when I’m with you.

/r/PoemsAndDiscussion Thread