miss.monster333 live threatening witchcraft on someone who “bullied” her. Anyone know this girl? Every time I see her she’s loaded

She does have relapses - I’ve seen multiple of them - but don’t most addicts at some point? I’m guessing most aren’t lucky enough to quit something once and never touch it again. And I think it’s shitty to make fun of people for that. My guess is people who make fun of her for that probably don’t like her for other reasons and that’s why her relapses annoy them. I don’t see her calling out other people for their relapses, so I wouldn’t do that to her either.

Anyway I can’t speak for her “crew” but I have also never seen her be mean to anyone with disabilities. I see some people who make “anti-bullying” their identity actually go too far the other direction and be overprotective and act like saviors, like they are doing some human version of rescuing stray animals. It can be a bit weird and patronizing if it’s your hobby to control people’s TT lives and friends in the name of protecting them but whatever. I think Monster means well when it comes to people with disabilities. If anyone has proof to the contrary I’ve never seen it.

/r/tiktoktrailertrash Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it